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Here are some frequently asked questions about eyelash extensions...


What are eyelash extensions and how are they applied?


Eyelash extensions are single natrual firbe lashes applied directly to the natural lash, close to (but not touching) the lash line with a semi-permanent bonding adhesive. A single extension is applied to a single lash, leaving the eyelids to move freely. They are applied carefully, one by one using specially designed tweezers. The whole process normally takes 1 – 2 hours depending on how many lashes are applied.

How long do eyelash extensions last?

As long as six weeks – as the eyelash extension generally lasts until the natural lash falls out in its natural cycle. However it is advisable to have some infills applied approximately every 2 weeks (depending on how well you take care of them) to make sure your eyelashes always look fabulous, as by this stage some would have fallen out as new lashes have grown through. How long your eyelash extensions last also depends on how you care for them (i.e. by removing makeup correctly, not thrashing them with heaps of mascara, and not tugging/pulling at your eyelash extensions). Some clients who take extra good care of their lashes get 4+ weeks before they need infills!

Do eyelash extensions damage your natural lashes? 


Not at all, as long as they are applied correctly. The eyelash extensions come off when your natural lash falls out, and so long as an appropriate weight extension has been applied, your natural lashes will grow through as normal. Please listen to the technicians' advice about how long/heavy you should go if you have naturally thin or sparse lashes. Don't try to remove the eyelash extensions yourself - as this could easily damage your natural lashes, as the adhesive bond is extremely strong.

Is having eyelash extensions applied painful?


I am often asked ‘are eyelash extensions painful?’ and the answer is NO – not if applied properly! The eyelash extensions are applied directly to the eyelash, so there is no contact with the skin. It may feel a little unusual the first time, but once you get used to it, it should be so comfortable that you may drift off to sleep! Top Lashes uses high quality relatively fume free glue, which does not burn or sting, unlike cheaper products. People with extremely sensitive eyes or sinus problems may get some watering and slight stinging at the end, but this subsides within seconds.

Are eyelash extensions safe when pregnant?


Generally speaking, eyelash extensions are a safe and non-invasive cosmetic procedure -Top Lashes uses a high-quality, low fume adhesive which is manufactured specifically for cosmetic use near the eye, . Allergic reactions to the adhesive are very rare (1 in several thousand) and when they do present, are easily treated. In saying this, we do not recommend that pregnant women who have never had eyelash extensions before test out the procedure during their pregnancy. The reasons are two-fold - firstly, the lash extension procedure requires you to lay flat on your back for over one hour; a position that is not recommended for women in the advanced stages of pregnancy. It also requires that you lie quite still - which can be hard if you're heavily pregnant! Secondly, if you were unlucky enough to have an allergic reaction, your doctor may not be able to give you the required treatment due to your pregnancy, prolonging the reaction. However - if we have been doing your lashes here at Top Lashes and you become pregnant, there's no problem continuing with the extensions - just let us know so that we can make sure you are comfortable at all times!


I am a man. Can I have eyelash extensions too?


Of course you can darling! Everyone can enjoy eyelash extensions for healthier and more beautiful looking eyes. We customize the eyelash extensions to suit your face and personality, and can do a more subtle set for gentlemen wishing to try out eyelash extensions.

What is the difference between silk and synthetic eyelash extensions?


Silk and synthetic lashes are the most popular materials for eyelash extensions, because they are both very light weight, hypo-allergenic (unless you have a specific and rare acrylic allergy) and last well. Silk lashes are slightly lighter in look and feel than synthetic, and are great for people with fine/thin lashes, those wanting a natural/softer look. They hold on marginally better than their synthetic cousins due to their porous surface being able to absorb more glue. Synthetic lashes hold their shape and curl slightly better, have a glossier/shinier look than silk ones, and are recommended for the glam sets or for those with normal/healthy lashes. Both types of lash extensions are absolutely beautiful and have their own benefits.

Can you be allergic to eyelash extension adhesive?


Like all cosmetic products, there are some individuals who may be allergic to this particular adhesive. Allergic reactions are extremely rare however, and subside normally as soon as the extensions are removed. If you have extreme latex/band-aid allergies, you may be at higher risk of a reaction. If you have had an allergic reaction to any eyelash extensions before (swollen, puffy eyelids and under eye area) we do not recommend getting lash extensions again -as you will be allergic to most adhesives. If you do have an allergic reaction, you must seek medical attention and we will need to remove the extensions as soon as possible.

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